At Grace Chapel, it is our strong belief that we are not created to live life alone but to live in community.  Life with all its joys and sorrows is to be experienced with others.  Mutual encouragement and confidentially shared trials that parents of prodigal children experience, help to lighten the load and increase strength for the journey.

Hope For Hurting Parents is support intended for parents of children 16+ years and older including adult children. Our promise to parents seeking support is we will be free of judgement and a commitment to your confidentiality.

As we meet with individuals our time together is not a Bible study or Prayer group, but we will refer to scripture for direction and we will purposely pray for you, your children, and grandchildren.  We provide a free copy of the "Hope for Hurting Parents Notebook".  Written by Tom & Dena Yohe, they share valuable insights into 22 different topics [grief and loss, enabling, guilt, fear, detachment, worry and anxiety, anger, resentment, letting go, expectations, guarding your marriage, guarding your family, powerlessness and control, communication, waiting, surviving the holidays, courageous love, forgiveness, thankfulness, self-care, expectations, and hope].


Click on this LINK to read about Tom & Dena and their many years of struggle as parents of a prodigal daughter which ultimately led them to developing curriculm to help parents and to forming a nationwide network of support groups. Listen to this two-part series from Focus on the Family interviewing Tom and Dena Yohe by clicking HERE for part one and HERE for part two.

Hope for Hurting Parents has a national and international network of support groups plus online support groups.  We have shifted from meeting as a support group to meeting one-on-one with parents.  If you are interested in a larger support group setting, click  HERE for support groups by state.

Kevin & Linda Noe have been facilitating the Castle Rock Grace Chapel Hope For Hurting Parents support group for the past three years and are now meeting with parents of prodigal children on a one-on-one basis for those parents at Grace Chapel that seek support.